Saturday, February 2, 2008

Some of my Goals in Life

1. Climb Mt. Everest. (All the way!)

2. Wreak havoc on a CERTAIN FEW know who you are. (I'm thinking ketchup, red ants, and a VERY embarrassing picture...)

3. Build a Perpetual Motion machine.

4. Satisfy my craving for dark chocolate.

5. Never turn into a boring old lady. (I would be an EXITING old lady!)

6. Move to Boston.

7. Go to the annual Groundhog Day Celebration.

8. Hug Ryan Seacrest or Max Theriot.

9. Write a series of novels.

10. Visit the Galligans and Prendergasts in ireland, again. (Ha, ha, ha. sffh will get why I am laughing.)

11. Get over my phobia of sour milk.

Do any of you guys have a weird phobia? Tell me! Please?


Anonymous said...

Ha ha! The Galligans, rock on! You really have to introduce me to them!

Anonymous said...

I have a phobia of spiders, not that that is that weird. Wow I just realized I used "that" three times in one sentence!

Anonymous said...

nice, and I'm still crying in a corner :)

Anonymous said...

uhhh... cats run to fast? can that be a phobia?

International Mastermind said...

Totally- they are much to agile. :)

bloody awful poetry said...

Oh my phobias..let's see...
Cockroaches. That's one. I also have a phobia of carrying babies, because I fear I will drop them and smush their delicate skulls.
I have phobia of sleeping anywhere where I can see myself sleeping in a mirror. Does that make sense?
I can't stand having MIRRORS around me when I sleep.There's a mirror opposite my bed, and every single night before I go to sleep, I turn the morror around so that it faces the wall, and every morning I turn it back the right way again.
I kid you not.
Haha me wanna hug Ryan Seacrest tooo!! You should audition for American Idol, do it really badly, and come out all sad and disappointed, and get him to hug you. Aww..!

bloody awful poetry said...

A list of different types of phobias, if you're interested =P

creativeartist said...

i'm todly freked of french kissing a dued