Sunday, March 9, 2008

How To Forge Signatures

Ha, ha. So you got your end-of-term math test back, and it turns out you recieved a 50% and need a parents signature. Yeah, right! No one here can tell me that they haven't at least THOUGHT about forging a signature at least once. So, here is a complete guide to all of your handwriting forgery needs.

The "Other" Parent: Now, this is a bit tricky. A teacher will know to look at a signature if it's on a detention slip or a failed paper. Now, it's easiest to forge a few papers, maybe with your "fathers" sig. You can make it look however you want, just DON'T PRINT! No adults do that. Then, if you get a really bad grade, or something that you need a guardian sig on, just do the "other" parent's name. My mom was in Florida. ;)

Real Signature: Okay. So you need a certain person to sign something. But they just can't see the paper! So here is how to do it. First: get a paper that this person has signed before. Second: Examine it closely. The exact way their letters slant, how the dots on their i's are shaped. Third: Forge it. Follow the lines exactly! Another way to do this is hold the first real sig underneath where you are going to put the forgery. Then hold this up to the window and trace the sig.

Initials: You could do these the above way. That's the best idea if the initial is under another one by the same person. Actually, it's probably the best way anyway!

So, now you know my secrets. Dear me. I will have to post on how to forge handwriting. :) ALSO: Check out my new link-list of my How To posts! Now all of my expertise is at your fingertips. Use it wisely.


Anonymous said...

Very smart though I must admit I will never forge a signiture. Sorry your picture of Iris didn't get in. Your picture absolutely should have got in. Some of the entries were not even half as good as yours.

Anonymous said...

Aaaaaahh...forging signatures!! That's easy over here. Most teachers don't bother with them, as long as one is there. It's more like a formality. And we don't have things like detention slips and having parents sign failed papers (at least by the time you're in secondary school), and I m way past that now.
But still, forged handwriting could be verrrryy interestiing, no?

International Mastermind said...

Aw, thanks sffh! We all know you would never forge a sig. :)

How do you guys like the link-list?

Anonymous said...

i like this blog!

International Mastermind said...

Thanks, Hania!

Anonymous said...

hey, can you post your drawing on here? i'm wondering what it looks like

Anonymous said...

Hey IM, how mad d'you think your teacher will be if she finds this?;)
p.s. hi

International Mastermind said...

Nellie! I am almost offended that you think that I would let a teacher on to this website! Kidding. :) But, the only adult that has ever been allowed to know of this blog is the Drama Club teacher/English Teacher/Play Director. But trust me, she has not only forgotten, but the post she saw was one on how to survive a rip tide. :)

P.S. Hi back atcha!

Zodiac girls said...

You over looked something! Another easier way is to get pattern traces used to trace patterns on cloth. Have a sample of signature, then with the document on the bottom and the tracer in the middle with and the sample on top trace the name. When you lift the first two papers you should see the name, then lastley just trace over the signature with a pen and wipe the pattern dust off!

International Mastermind said...


I can't post every single way to do this stuff, there are so many techniques!

Zodiac girls said...

Just a sugesting!

Zodiac girls said...

Hey IM I finally got something for spying! Luz says that she is sorry and that you rock out loud!