Saturday, August 11, 2007

Self Defense

  • RULES As any good martial arts instructor would tell you, these moves are for self defense only. In most cases, I would say that's true. But if someone got in the way of your goal, some smooth moves may be needed.
  • MOVES There are the classics such as a simple groin kick, or karate chop, ( I find the second one useless,) but that won't get you all the way through. A classic soccer kick, called the scissor kick is when you jump into the air, then make a scissors motion with your legs. I find it useful for kicking an opponents head or under the chin.
  • PRESSURE POINTS It may be dangerous to tell you exactly where, but somewhere along the base of the neck there is a nerve, and if there is pressure applied to it, can kill you. For example there was a recent freak accident where a softball (names deceive you,) hit a girl on that pressure point, and she died. Also, if you're not looking to end you're opponents life, The temples can be both pressed at once with one finger each for extreme pain,and/or knockout.


Anonymous said...

I like to stomp on people's feet, or simply punch them in the stomach and then, when they are doubled over in pain, I hit them on the head...

Alexxis said...

Heh.. nice name Sixela ;).
I once hit a girl with a softball in her temple... it wasnt pretty

Alexxis said...
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Zodiac girls said...

Hey what i like to do is if the grab me slam face to to there face step on foot and kick in groin! Also if you sing the oompa lumpa song to my friend he fraks out, an goes over to another friend pushes a presure point which causes him to black out and fall out of his seat for a few seconds!
TR 1of6 ZG