Sunday, September 23, 2007

How to...

...kill yourself.
...lose a guy in ten days. a coconut.
...make a toga.
...order at starbucks. (I can sorta understand that one)
...quench thirst.

You are probably asking, "what is she talking about." Well, I'll tell you. My blog gives you advice on how to... well, do stuff. So I was wondering what to post, so I typed "how to " into my google toolbar. If you have a toolbar, you know that a dropdown menu goes down saying what the majority of people searched with the words you typed. The above are some the things on that menu. Also on that menu was "how to quit smoking weed," and "how to tie a tie," normal stuff. (rock on quitters!!!!) Seriously, try it. And tell me if you want me to post on how to do any of those things on this blog. Meanwhile, you should try it, you do not know what you might come up with!


Anonymous said...

hi, ha-ha funny and random!
special friend from homeroom

International Mastermind said...

You know, if you click "other" when commenting, you can fill out the name place with "sffh". You don't need to fill out your webpage!

Anonymous said...

oh thanks! i loved your thing on eavesdropping! read my comment!

bloody awful poetry said...

Hey,i'd like to see one on how to order at starbucks.
the possibilities are endless.

Anonymous said...

i luv u mastermind <3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

international mastermind,
who loves you? was it your sis or mom?

Kirsten Miller said...

Hey IM,

If you send me a note at the email address I gave you, I'll send you something (guess what) in the mail.


Anonymous said...

AAAH!! THANK YOU!!!! u are officially my favorite author EVER!!!!

Anonymous said...

was that your favotite authour?
the one you keep raving about? is she gonna send you a book?

Anonymous said...

i think you should do something on quotes, inspirational quotes of course!