Tuesday, October 2, 2007

How to Keep a Secret

All of us, at one time or another, have had a secret to keep. Whether it was one of your own, or someone elses, it's hard to keep them. So I have ever so kindly posted this.

  • Old Tricks. It's an old trick to count to four before telling a secret. Nonetheless, I have found it a great tactic to contain myself from revealing something I would have regretted later. Also an old trick that I haven't found nearly as useful, tell it into a seashell, and throw it into a lake.

  • Don't accept Secrets. Secrets are easier to tell when thy're not your own. An easy way to prevent telling is to tell your friend or accomplice not to tell you this secret because you are a lying, cheating, backstabbing little brat. Or you could listen and then tape your mouth with masking tape.

  • Protect your Privacy. I could write a whole section on personal privacy, it is so important. For instance, here on my blogs I barely give you any info about myself here. Ha! What's my name? What Hieght am I? Where do I live? You know nothing... and no secrets.


Anonymous said...

International Mastermind, how did you decide on the four-second rule? Does the number four have some magical or psychological significance?

Anonymous said...

International Mastermind,
Was that you know, drama queen?
I loved this but I was confused on the 4 thing. Tell me more!

Anonymous said...

Is it okay if I tell my cousin about this blog. I won't tell her anything about you so she won't say aything.

International Mastermind said...

Yeah- sure. It's okay to tell some people-not boys at our school.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I'm sure she'll love it!
I love my nails thanks for doing them!

International Mastermind said...

ur welcome!

Anonymous said...

Hey! How's your book going?

International Mastermind said...

Good, must go read...see you tuesday!!!

Anonymous said...


Thumb Biter said...

oooh, it's a bit late, but may I suggest keeping a journal? Usually people reveal secrets for the sole reason that they want to share their thoughts about it with someone who agrees with them. (well, for me, anyway, kind of. xD)
How could a journal disagree with you? haha.

Zodiac girls said...

What!?!? In the name of ZG is a four second rule! I just tape my mouth! By the way what book where you reading? You see i love to read and write! But I just tell them to my friend to wright them down! Who knows may be there will a book named after our group!
KL 1of6 ZG