Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Whole Story

As you know, I have broken my ankle. Here is what happened.

I was dragged to Skate Land to my little sister's friends party. I strapped on some roller skates, and stepped out onto the floor. After taking four steps I slipped and fell. My ankle was twisted, and killing me. I hauled myself over to a bench and rocked back and forth trying not to scream in pain.
When I got home, I iced it and took ibuprofin. It felt OK.
The next day, I went to my doctors office. They took X-Rays, and concluded that my ankle was fractured (cracked) in one place. and perhaps another. They sent me to a local hospital.
It was concluded (after a dozen X-Rays and a CAT scan) that I had a triband break. In English? My inner ankle was shattered into three peices, and one crack reached over to my outer ankle. I got a cast.
The next day I came back for surgery. I needed two pins to be inserted into the break, so it would heal. They gave me anesthesia, and put me to sleep. I woke up in the Recovery Room with a pink cast. PINK! Oh well. They had only put in one pin, good for me.

Despite the pain, I am still the INTERNATIONAL MASTERMIND!


crescenta regina said...

hey, i hope you are ok.
omg, i love Avril and Harry Potter!

Anonymous said...

Ouch!!! Sorry about the pink cast (at least I'm guessing I should be sorry). Don't you think they could have asked you before you were unconscious?

Anonymous said...

No way! You play the violin? I play the cello!!! YAY! :-))))

Anonymous said...

So you didn't pick pink?