Saturday, December 1, 2007

How to Escape from the Bottom of a Well with only a Goat and a Slinky

You may have noticed that my profile question was, "You are stuck in a well with a goat and a slinky. Describe how you will escape." I answered, "Use the cellphone in my pocket to call for help." But here I will describe the plan to you, people without cellphones in your pockets. (We are hoping that there is only about an inch or two of water in the well! Otherwise you are done for.)

Step 1. The bucket will naturally be on the upper side of the well. (Wells work with pulleys.) You grab the rope that is hanging down from above. You DO NOT try to climb it. The entire bucket and rope will come join you at the bottom. Try to push the rope up, causing the bucket to come down. Or, even better, if there is a friend near the well, get them to lower the bucket to you. (or get them to call for help!)

Step 2. The bucket is now right near you. No matter what weight, grab FIRST, the rope with no bucket on it, and be prepared to pull it.

Step 3. Fit your butt into the bucket, (if it doesn't fit, this won't work for you anyway!) Now, Pull very hard on the other rope, and work your hands up the rope, pulling your body to the surface.

Step 4. Keep holding on to the rope until the last minute, when you leap to the safety of land. If you cannot do that, holler 'till someone hears you.

Step 5. Find someone to get the goat and your slinky out of the well, Rejoice tearfully. (or not)


Anonymous said...

Very nice and creative!

Anonymous said...


International Mastermind said...

I know, I am wonderful,huh?

Anonymous said...

Excited about today? I love snow!

Anonymous said...
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International Mastermind said...
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Anonymous said...
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International Mastermind said...
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Anonymous said...

Who are you? Team A or B? Don't say things like that!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

sffh who are u? Do u go to IM's school? Like me?

Anonymous said...

yes sffh goes to you know what school and she is friends with IM

Chicken Goddess said...

Problem is, the rope up would only fold and get bendy since the rope is not an obstruct object so step 1 does not work.

Chicken Goddess said...

plz tell me what they posted

Anonymous said...

Um, what if it was some sort of flexable-super-stron rope, that had, um, oh just forget it.

FN da World Dictator said...

wats a slinky???

Zodiac girls said...

Interesting very interestinting. i have a knew question! If you are stuck in a burning tower on the top floor with NO help. Only a wire a pipe and a piece of cloth, explain how to get to the other building! Easy! (Note the cable is atached to the houses but is very hot!) gota go LL just found out I melted her knew laptop! If she kills me I leave all of my possesions to the cause of science!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
TR 1of6 ZG I probably wont make it through the night!!!! SOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!