Friday, January 4, 2008

How NOT to Pick a Combo Lock

Well, on the request of Jin Ai, and for my own personal knowledge, I set out to find out how to pick a Combonation lock. Ugh...what did I find? Drilling, (which involves using an electric drill to destroy the lock,), and this article:

"Now take the flathead screwdriver, and jam it inbetween the dial, and the metal lock, Pry it down, lifting the dial up.
The dial should be immobile now because it should be bent. Just keep going around the lock prying up, it should pop off after 10 prys
Now with the insides, I am sure there is a better way, but what i did is I took the screwdriver, and stuck it in, and just tore everything I could out of the lock After a minute, I removed enough for the shackle to open.
I tried this on a friend at school, destroyed his lock, took his Ipod and hid it deep in his locker so that he thought someone stole it, and also so someone else doesn't steal it... he was pretty pissed off. "

Well of COURSE his friend was pissed off! My one lock picking rule is NEVER to destroy the lock, unless it is an emergency. Actually, today one of my friends was very upset because SOMEBODY (who is sort of our friend) broke into her locker. They then took a bagel, and copied down the combination. I assured my friend that I would get the combo back from that SOMEBODY, (and I did!)
NEVER DESTROY A LOCK! (p.s. I think a skeleton key will work for a locker lock!)


Anonymous said...


bloody awful poetry said...

Darn. We don't actually have lockers in most schools here. Oh well.

Zodiac girls said...

Yah college defintley wont have college! Any way awsome name bloody awful poetry! But you just gave me an idea! (insert evil laugh here!)
TW 1of6 ZG