Saturday, April 5, 2008

Account Hacking

I am telling you now: if any of you go getting arrested for hacking onto accounts, I am not responsible.

Well, now that we've gotten the fun stuff out of the way, let's move on. If you need to hack into someone's account, it's pretty simple. Once, when I was younger, I told a friend my password for a Neopets account, so I could prove that I really DID have as much virtual cash as I said. The next day, the password had been changed, but not by me. I used secret ways to force it out of her, and never have I made the mistake again, for anything secret. I'm just glad it was . a silly account
Anyway, the one method that I've used and used many times, is this.

Step 1: Offer this person an account on some silly site that you know they won't go on, but nag until they say "fine". Then offer to make the account for them. Ask them which username and password they will want. If they aren't TOO cautious or protective, (or even just not so bright,) they will drearily tell you. Make the account, and act excited for them.

Step 2: Try this password, or variations of this password (e.g. orange, oranges, orange juice, or orange1, orange11, orange2, etc.) with the username (which you should already know) on the site that needs to be hacked. Often, the same password, or variations of it, are used on all or most of their accounts.

Step 3: Make sure not to ever let them catch on to the fact that you know their password! Be discreet, for god's sake! If you need to delete the email telling them that you were the one that broke it, because you found the perfect alibi- just delete it and keep the password in records for future emergencies. Don't go screwing around with everything just for the thrill of it. That's just STUPID.

No, it won't work on me!


Anonymous said...

My sister knows a couple of boys who were really good friends and knew each other's MySpace passwords. Then they got in a fight and "Friend A" went onto "Friend B"'s account and wrote a whole bunch of nasty stuff and wrote nasty messages to friends. So then "Friend B" went onto "Friend A"'s account and did the same thing and changed the password so it was "Friend B is number one".
Moral: Do not tell your password for e-mail, MySpace etc. to ANYONE!
Sorry about the long post.

bloody awful poetry said...

Oh gawsh that's so childish! That really happened, Nellie?
I actually have a friend whose password for all her accounts is "abcdefghijk". And she refused to change them until I hacked into her youtube and cancelled her account, and then she came to her senses and made a better password. Less chance of being hacked.
Or maybe the hackers wouldn't imagine anybody having a password that obvious?

Anonymous said...

BAP: Yeah,my sister told me about it. Jerks. You hacked? Tick, tick tick. Naughty, naughty,naughty. ;)

bloody awful poetry said...

Yeeeeah me hacked her. =P Meh..but it was only her youtube account. So. No harm done. Really. *grins*

Catherine said...

Just commenting to tell you I am know known as B-ball-erina!

Catherine said...

My profile is so sad, IM I need help with it!

RockChickGoneGood said...

Hello b-ball-erina com on gmail quickly. Also what is your blog b-ballerina? Im come on too. ASAP

FN da World Dictator said...

I hacked into someone's account randomly once. I typed in JuicyStarryWonder, username. The password was juicemonkey234. It was seriously by accident. I was messing with the keyboard.

purple crescent said...

fn, what website was that on. By the way, I'm new.