Friday, June 20, 2008

Are You.....ONE OF THEM???

'Ello! I have recently been reminded of something I read somewhere that was quite interesting. Seriously.

So, a few years ago I had a scary-story-reading-and-writing phase. A friend and I tackled all of the scary short story books in the school library, and then worked furiously on our own. (Going back and reading it made me laugh hysterically.) A certain series that shall be left unnamed (Curse my memory) was very very good. The last story in the last book, though, was just freakish.
This story was based on real research from a real study that went on. The facts that will be referred to haven't quite been proven, but they have not been proved wrong, either. :)

A group of scientists was wondering.....where do teens channel their negative energy? There had been reports, (too many to be disregarded,) of strange happenings. Scared homeowners were saying that they had been hearing crashes in other rooms, and going in to see that a lamp had crashed into a wall, or a cupboard had mysteriously fallen, with no excuse.
The police were skeptical, of course. This wasn't a big deal, and there had to be some reason. And then, there was evidence. The homeowners were actually witnessing objects flying across the room and smashing into walls or furniture. What was the deal?
The experts were brought in. After working and watching, and trying to work out the mystery, they finally figured it out. In each of the cases, a teenager was in the room of the phenomenon. What on Earth does that have to do with anything? Well, here's the story.
The scientists were trying to prove that, in simple terms, the energy from stress and anger in a teenage life is so strong or so much that it basically is expelled from the being, and channeled into moving an object. Ever felt so angry that all you could do is ferociously break something? Or so stressed that you might scream and pass out? The theory is that if the feeling was so strong enough in a certain type of teen, then it can be forceful enough to send an object smashing into another.
Again, not proven at all. But it kind of makes sense in a wierd way, if you are a teen who experiences these feelings day to day. What do you think???
"Hey, not the priceless teapot!!!"


Anonymous said...


lets say i was mad at a bully or something or that some bad guy was about to pulverize me. and i was mad.\

would they fly onto something and go 'crash' too?\\

heh heh heh

Invisible Turtle said...

Not directly related, but sometimes things disappear and reappear at random at my house? Could this be the manifestation of anger? Fear? The need for ice cream?

(I'm not talking small stuff, either. My bank, which is up to about my knee, randomly disappeared. It was right in front of my bed when I woke up the next morning.)

International Mastermind said...

Foofoo-i really do not think you would need psychic abilities to pulverize a bully...... :)

InvisiTurtle, I think I have an answer to your problem. Might you have a younger brother? x)

Anonymous said...

Maybe you threw it out the window in your sleep. Once my sister woke up having dreamed about soccer practice--wearing her sneakers!

Anonymous said...

probably not. but it would a little funny to watch somene just suddenly fly.

IM, what's the best thing to do if the bad guy is fat? if i punch or kick , they can't seem to even feel it through alll the blubber! so i could use some help on that. i don't mean 'some' help i mean a lot of help!

Anonymous said...

Cool! And SHE LIVES!!!!!! We where getting worried! Any way that would be soooooooo cool to make something move! And IM the same thing that happens to invisible turtle happens to me only no pesky siblings and my parents wouldn't dare touch my stuff! (To lasy to log in......)

International Mastermind said...

Yes, I LIVE! And Foofoo, I will make sure to post on how to disable ANY possible opponent. ;)

Anonymous said...

cool and very interesting


bloody awful poetry said...

Oooh go read up on poltergeists. Apparently this so-called "paranormal" phenomena is directly related to teen angst/stress. Objects flying around, stuff going missing, etc. Totally psychological, and fascinating as hell.

Random Irregular said...

She Exists!

Do all teens get stressed and angry? I, for some freakish reason, do get stressed, but not angry. Is there something wrong? Aaah, I'm a freak(Inner Voice: You are one.) 0_o
Foofoo:The best thing is to tell the bully that you have good values and that you don'tneed to hit back. Also, ignorance is bliss.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm....when I see my math report card grade, keep the china away from me!!
Not that I'm a teenager yet, but...

Invisible Turtle said...

Yes, I have a younger brother, but that doesn't explain my favorite shirt disappearing. I was alone in my room sitting right on top of it!

Anonymous said...

That is wicked! Ohyah IM can I please put you on my blog list?

International Mastermind said...

Links are always allowed! What is your blog, Rider?

IT- (sorry, I do not mean "it",) maybe you just have a supernatural rear end. xD

Anonymous said...

You can visit me at to become one of my minions!

liltomboyblue11;) said...

i think it's definitely possible, and it would explain a lot. XD btw, i <3 your blog, it's awesome. i'm thinking about creating one..... my birthday was sat. (28, june) so maybe i can convince my parents to let me make one for my birthday.

International Mastermind said...

Oh, thx liltomboyblue!
Happy Birthday! I won't ask how old, wouldn't want you to answer!

Blogs are very wonderful, happy, educational ;) ways for adolescents to release their emotions into typing. Plus: IT'S FREEEEEE! And this blogger knows how to deal with stalkers. *Maniacal Laughter*

International Mastermind said...

Also, maybe they will let you start by joining the freaky book blog? It has LOTSA members already.

liltomboyblue11;) said...

that would be very cool... thank-you!