Thursday, August 16, 2007

Ocean Tips

How to Escape a Rip Tide

A rip tide, or rip current, is a current that sucks things from near shore towards the ocean. To escape one do:

Swim Up into it until the current ends, then swim off to the side and back to shore, or

swim to the side immediately, if you can, then swim back to shore.

Do Not:

Do nothing. Use either tactic one or two to escape.

Swim towards shore, fighting the current. You will die.

How to Escape a Shark Attack
If a shark is coming after you, follow these guidelines.
The shark doesn't eat human. If it's attempting an attack it either thinks you are a fish, or thinks you are a threat.
A punch in the nose or a jab in the gills should scare it away. (not too hard, you don't want to kill the poor thing!).
I've also heard that turning it upside down or rubbing it's nose puts it into a sort of harmless trance.
Good Luck.


bloody awful poetry said...

Right back atcha.

There aren't too many sharks around here though..

or are there???

Anonymous said...

Do you have any advice for how to escape a smallish sand-crab attack? I still have the scars on my pinky toe!

Anonymous said...

LOL!!! I was once bitten by a clam on my toe! And a pelican almost bit my head off!