Saturday, November 3, 2007


A while at a county fair I observed the largest pumpkin in the world, a freakishly warped bunny, an elephant, and many organization stands. One of which was a save the greyhounds petition. Greyhounds are used to race in tracks all over the world. They provide great entertainment, but have you any idea what a horrible life they live?
They are kept in cages just big enough for one of them, but to small to stand up or turn around in, for more than 20 hours a day. The other few hours are devoted to racing while thousands of humans gawk at you.
Many of these dogs are injured, (skull injuries, paralysis, broken bones,) during racing. When they are, they are usually killed, or sent to a pound, where they are killed if no one wants them. (Would you want a paralized, or injured dog, when there are cute little beagle puppies in the next cage?)
This is a completely unfair and tragic life. At the fair, I saw some ladies asking people to sign a petition to stop greyhound racing. I did! My newest international mastermind mission is to mysteriously inform civilians of the greyhound petition. You are all invited to join me in this mission. I will deliver info via mailboxes, bulletin board notices, and mouth.
Info to include on forms: website: , the terrible conditions of the dogs (mentioned above,) and the fact that you will be cursed for life if you do not sign. Free the Greyhounds!!!


Anonymous said...

I signed IM!!!! That's wrong!

Anonymous said...

I have an idea for you. E-mail everybody, yes everybody in school the link. Somebody from school sent me one for stopping shark hunting. On the list attatched of signers I saw a bunch of people from school. I'm sure it will help save them!