Monday, December 24, 2007

Is YOUR House Haunted?

Many, many people that read fantasy and horror books think that their house is home to the undead. If you do believe that there is paranormal activity taking place in your home, here is what to do.

1. Are you Sure? Why is it that you think your house is haunted? Before wasting your time and energy ghost-slaying, think of your reasoning. Are you just imagining things, or wishing you had a haunted house? I would certainly LOVE to have some undead people residing in my home, but, alas, I do not. (I think!)

2. Evidence of Haunting Bump in the night? Thump in the closet? Some common things that people witness are...flying objects, children's giggling (when there aren't supposed to be kids in the house), drafts when no windows are open, or threatening messages. What are the signs in your house?

3. History Do a bit of research on your home, and it's past residents. Were old Widow Johnson's dying words "I will be back!", or was a young boy murdered in your home? If so, you can be almost sure that they are now haunting you, and you will know who to look out for.

4. Protection Now that you have identified your haunter, you have got to be nervous! Who knows when they will attack. If you are a bit wimpy, you could just leave the ghost to it's business, or beg for mercy. Garlic doesn't ward off ghosts, so keep yourself smelling fresh! But there isn't too much help I can give you in the Protection department...

5. Why are they Still Here? Now you have only one choice. These ghosts have a reason that they are not in a place for the dead. They are in Limbo, with us. So talk to them. Leave a letter somewhere, addressed to them. Ask them why they are still here, and offer your assistance to help them take care of business.

This is where I must leave you. Depending on different circumstances, there will be different solutions. you may need to solve a murder, or pay off a debt. You should be smart enough to know what has to be done, and perhaps brave enough to do it. If you need special advice, just ask. But you will need to tell me the whole story! I can probably help.

Good Luck.


Anonymous said...

that freaks me out. I am so paranoid of ghosts... *shiver* now you started it all over again!!!! It'll be a miracle if I get any sleep tonigt..


Anonymous said...

My grandma's apartment is haunted by my grandpa. I know this because the tv in the ktchen started flipping through the channels in the middle of the night and it landed on the channel that shows Reiges and Kelly. t bad it wasn't on for another 5 hours, and that my dad through it out in the morning.

Zodiac girls said...

First; OMG!!!!!! A.C.Eberle posted a commet! She lets just say she doesn't get out much! Any way I wish my house was haunted! A.C.Eberle you are so lucky!!!!!!!!! Hey IM! Don't listen to my friend LL you rock out loud!
KL 1of6 ZG :) :):):)::)