Monday, December 17, 2007

@ The School Library

Hey. I am in the school library now, listening to everyone screaming. Where is the librarian to shut them up, anyway?

I just auditioned for the school play. Yes, The Mastermind enjoys acting. (Everyone tell sffh to try out for the play! She thinks that she "can't commit". Oh Blah!) Actually, here are some Mastermindy uses for good acting.

1. Lying If you have read my post on how to lie, (do I have one yet???) you will know that you need major skills. For forgot to call your mother after school, because you were quite busy eating chocolate cake and bungee jumping off of a bridge with your friends. Your mother HATES it when you do either of those things. Now you have cooked up the excuse that you were saving a cat from a tree. It will take extremely good acting skills to get your mom to believe that you, a tree-phobic person, did that.
Now there is reason numero uno.

2. I am over eighteen! Ha. You will need to lie, but also be believable. You will need to be able to control yourself from screaming, "He started it!" and playing Made Ya Look. Also you will need to be costumed properly. As in, no schoolgirl outfits. Choosing a sleek and sophisticated look is important. And acting like you deserve to wear it!

3. Getting Trust Say you need to moniter and spy on a certain group, whether it be goths or preppy snobs. You will need to study thier culture, thier ways. How they speak, dress, where they hang out, and who they talk to. In other words, you need to ACT like one of them.

4. sffh needs to try out for the play! Sorry. Totally random, but...she needs prodding! Come on, girl! AUDITION!!!


Anonymous said...

How do you make your mother think you were saving a cat? Pretending you are 18 or pretending you are a goth are not going to help.

I really can't commit and there are only 2 days left to audition and I don't have anything memorized!

International Mastermind said...

Okay...its all cool...

Anonymous said...

Oh I get it now! Those are good acting useages. Is that how you spell it?