Garrrr.... I just took a test for "especially gifted children". It was for this Spatial thing- Rotating blocks, connecting edges with the edges on a flat rectangular prism, and memorization. Those shapes above? I had to MEMORIZE them, and then remember them a half hour later. Gaaaaahhhhhh.
Anyway, I then went to the mall. I was walking around looking like I wasn't all there. I think a security guard was about to drag me to the wacky shack. My broken, (but healing, and I was walking on it,) ankle was KILLING ME.
So, basically, the stupid Center for Talented Youth boiled my brain down to mush, fried that mush, and sliced it up and fed it to the test. I am going to go lie down and try not to think too hard.
Oh poor thing! I didn't have to take that test. Where did you go in the mall?
you poor thing. atlest its a three day weekend
Actually, at my school we have a week off. :) Thank the school system for life's small miracles.
I went to Ruehl, Aero, Discovery Store, and Au Bon Pain. Gotta luv dem cheese+spinach croissants.
LOVE Au Bon Pain! Get any new stuff? Oh is Ruehl that place you were telling me about?
Yup! I bought a St. Patricks Day necklace.
Go green this St. Patricks Day!
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