Friday, April 18, 2008

How To...Post a Comment

So, the title of this post MAY confuse you a bit. But that's life, right? I happen to know that we have some new anonymouses on the blog, (WAHOO! *applause*) and that may confuse me.

So, I am posting on how to post a comment here on the International Mastermind blog.

Names- On the comment window that pops up when you click 'comments', there are different options for names that will show up over your comment.
ACCOUNTS---The first on the menu is "Google/Blogger". If you are logged in it will say "You are now posting as..." but if you aren't, there will be a place to log on. That's a good thing to do because nobody can impersonate you.

OPEN ID---No idea what this is. Advice: don't use it.

NAME/URL--- This is the best ifyou cannot get an account. Actually, I advise it on this blog to the Anonymouses, then I will be able to tell you apart. Just fill in the name you would like to be called in the first box, that's really all you need. Then if you have a website or something you can fill in theURL (web adress) in the second box, but that isn't necassary.

ANONYMOUS--- This is what you get if you don't specify who you are. I really don't want people to use this, because it would be hard to tell you apart from other Anonymouses. See above.

Anyway, I know that there are people that go on this blog from all over the world, U.S., Germany, Malaysia- and I have a certain idea that involves some sluething and a lot of adventure. ??? :)


Catherine said...

This is very smart! I was getting really confused with all the anyonymouses too!

Muslim Irregular said...

B-ball-erina, did i confuse you, i just made an account and last night i posted 3 comments as anonymous...

well now i understand how all the other comment options work, thanks IM!

FN da World Dictator said...

Lol, the anonymouses are really confusing, but confusion isn't a bad thing is it?

purple crescent said...

anonymous? I'm like one, i mean real life. Im invisible.

Sekrit7 said...

Whats your idea??? I MUST know!

Anonymous said...

Hello, I'm giving the readers of this blog a mini mission: (If thats OK with IM, if not, just delete this whole post)
to find out what my real screen name is. It's not somebody.
A couple of hints are This is someone who posts on the blog a lot.
She just discoverd it a couple days ago.
She uses the # 7 a lot (this kinda gives it away)
She does not know IM in real life
She took part in the mission, but is not completed yet (I have not gotten the last clue yet)

International Mastermind said...

Hmm......I am pretty sure who it is. :)

Also, to Sekrit7, I hav emailed you the last clue. If you didn't get it, try sending your adress to me again. Thx! Good job on the clues, though.

insanewriter said...

it's Sekrit 7 (the somebody)

yeah, the '7' gave it away...

IM, i really wanted to do the '50' contest you had, bt i think i only completed 1 thing. i didn't have enough time too! that was sad )=

bloody awful poetry said...

Umm the somebody is sekrit7? Lol! Is it?
Oh and what's the idea, IM? I am lovin' some Internet sleuthing!

Sekrit7 said...

Yes! It is me! I knew the 7 thing gave it away. Good job everyone!

Sekrit7 said...

Harry Potter is the 7th most banned book! ; )
If more people knew about Kiki Strike, I'm sure it would beat that!

Muslim Irregular said...

what do u mean by 'banned book'?

IM: can u please check out my blog?

when i get time i'm going to put up a few of my own adventures!

Mai Selffe said...

Duhhhh....Sekrit7, yeah the 7 gave it away.

Anonymous said...


to be truthful i have no idea what everyone is currently talking about right now. but that happens to me quite often, so i can cope. WAIT!!! I just half understood. tee-hee, ima smarty ~.*

ps: does it ever bug you how people always tk out vwls lk this? or how they do smilies ALL the time? i dunno, i kinda do a lot of :) ~_^ =V 0.0 and so on...

Thumb Biter said...

Open ID is basically where you post your account name on another website (wordpress, livejournal, aim, etc) instead of your name so people can contact you that way.
You're right: don't use it.