Tuesday, April 15, 2008

More results

Congrats to Jin Ai for getting second place in the contest. And for any that need to know, it isn't too late! If you want access to the secret post, (which will be coming soon) then you have to finish!

Dangerous: Try #3 again, just let it load more and make sure it's the whole URL in there! Good job so far, though!

Hazel and Nellie: I am going to need you to get a blog so I can send you the last clue. (You too when you get it, Dangerous!)



Anonymous said...

just to ask a question (you are a 'international mastrmind so u have to know all about this kinda stuff)

What do you think about muslim people?

Sekrit7 said...

Oh my gosh.
I LOVE your blog.
It's the best one I've seen minus the Kiki Strike Blog!

PS I'm working on the mission!

International Mastermind said...

Aw, thanks Sekrit7! What a compliment! Good work, I'm sure.

Anonymous: It depends on which Muslim person you are talking about-I would have to meet them some how to form an opinion! I happen to know quite a few people of that religion and they are really nice.

Anonymous said...

Yay, thank you so much!

once when i was little, this dude who was older than me asked me 'are you a terrorist'...

what kinda rudeness is that!!!!!!!!!

i don't want to givce away who iam, but since your smart you should know!(and pretty nice-sounding too!)

now that i think of it, you'd be the perfect person to be freinds with and go on a spy mission with!

heh... 2 bad we can't!

we hafta keep our identities secret, since we all are irregulars!

Anonymous said...

heh... anonymous muslimperson posting again!

just call me 'muslima', it just means female muslim (but it sounds totally cool anyways!)

still ondering what K....Miller

was doing on an island that's name means 'fat virgin', tat's just weird...

bye! gotta go watch family videos and eat dinner!

Anonymous said...

IM, I don't know if our parents are going to let us get blogs, even just for this! (Sheesh) Maybe we'll just have to wait until you post the last clue for all:( (You did say you'd do that, right?) *worries*

bloody awful poetry said...

Dude! I posted on the freakyblog =) Go see!

International Mastermind said...

Hey, everyone!
This blog gets busier and more International all the time! The more the dangerous-er!!!! :)

To the Anonymouses- I don't know which of you actually posted that question above, but everyone is welcome here, as long as you follow the rules like everyone else! I am going to be posting soon on a 'Guide to Commenting', which will help you out with names! Actually, I'll post it now!

So, where do you guys live? U.S.?

Muslim Irregular said...

UHHH... It was all me, now i have a blogger account, i just made it!

why should i really tell you where i live (shouldn't a smart international mastermind already know)

oh! did that sound rude, it wasn't supposed to.

oh well,

Mai Selffe said...

Hey, I'm a muslim too.

Mai Selffe said...

It's sad how we are labled as 'terrorists' sometimes. Thanx IM, oh, and for the how-tos.

Mai Selffe said...

I live in the middle of nowhere, if that's the answer you want.