Friday, May 23, 2008

Hi Guys

Hi everyone! So, what's up? The thing is, something kind of really bad just came up with me and my family. People who know me know about it. (If you don't, just ask.) So, I may not be posting for a little while. I can publish comments, but I'm a little overwhelmed right now.

I might post, so keep checking back! I promise to post by Wednesday. :)

The International Mastermind will be back!

(BTW- my new symbol is a purple smiley face- I will post a pic. It's more distinct than it sounds.)

(Also: Jake, comment so I know you were on! And check out the below post.)

Meanwhile, everyone enjoy this video. Seriously- it is my FAVORITE!!! Soooooo funny. (Just click on the words 'this video')


Anonymous said...

what happened???

sorry if that's sounds rude.

i'm worried about someone i don't even know.

International Mastermind said...

Totally not rude! I just don't really feel like talking about it right this second. I will absolutely give the details later. Thanks for caring! :)

Anonymous said...

Poor International Mastermind!!
I know, Mom, but I don't like fish. Too funny!

Random Irregular said...

I hope your alright IM.

Anonymous said...

I hope you are alrigt IM!!

bloody awful poetry said...

I hope everything turns out OK dude. And I hope you and your family are OK. Come back soon!

liltomboyblue11;) said...

i'm sorry!!! and the video.... OUT OF THIS WORLD HILARIOUS!!!!! although i am easily amused. how do you add the picture? a lot of you have one, and i would like to..............

Zodiac girls said...

Sorry IM Luz (SHE IS GOING TO KILL ME KNOW!) is just a pain and the blog is still pretty knew and where getting the hang of it still so yah! Any way love ya blog! And the name lets just say for somebody like A.C.Eberle she is the worst speller in the world! (if you noticed on the poll thing she spelt Alex wrong! But hey at least she got the wright letters!) We also write our names if you look at our first blog post it tells our names it's just a thing and there is six of us! We started doing what we did in 06 by the way so where not knew!
K oh forget it! Kiki Lang Zodiac Girls!

International Mastermind said...

:) Tell her it's cool.

Zodiac girls said...

Okay like dude i'm like sorry! i hope everything is okay! and if you need some funny then Kiki is feeling better and will try her hand at a funny adventure we just had! so hope you are okay!