Yes, Michael, do celebrate. Everyone who is in America right now and isn't a hermit knows that Michael Phelps (a.k.a. Olympic Swimmer for the U.S./BESTESTEST SWIMMAH EVAHHHH!) has just made history. Not only does he have a record-breaking amount of Olympic gold metals, but he just broke another record. See, a while ago Mark Spitz made history by getting 7 of the 8 available golds for Swimming at the 1972 Munich Olympics. But then, Michael tied him with his seventh gold for this year's in Beijing. The last event left was a relay, which Michael had less control over. But, guess what? Everyone pulled through, and Michael broke the record with his 8th gold madal!
AMERICANS AREN'T AS USELESS AS WE ACT! So everyone have a glass of water (without chlorine, which induces internal bleeding if taken in high quantity and condensity, and then induces death,) for Michael Phelps!
(BTW- Did you guys hear that he has 1200 calories a day? Holy f*ck! I puke after 3000 in one day....:P But he needs it to burn and for his metabolism and blahblahblah.....still it's unnatural.)
I know, he's amazing! He looks kinda like a mutant to... he has a body just made for swimming. (not trying to sound creepy.....)
(imagine how much fan mail he must get:P)
How much is 1200 calories? (Like maybe in ice cream or some thing. Ya know, language I understand.;))
Micheal Phelps is awesome! Although I really can't understand the hordes of girls who think he's hot and are desperate to be his squeeze.
And I've heard the US national anthem so many times this last week, I think I can pretty much qualify for citizenship already!
Yeah, I know what ya mean. He's all water-dynamic an stuffs.
WAHOO! Here's how I understand the 1200 calories thing: Say an average full grown man eats 3000 calories a day. Michael eats around 3500 a meal, and then snacks!
His six-pack isn't hot enough for that kind of attention, I agree. But he still rox. Ohhhh come be a citizen! *Come to the dark side.......*
I heard that his body pumps twice as much blood as a normal human (8 friggin gallons every minute!)
Gotta love Phelps!
That is just plain this a man or a mutant? Oh well, he is the icon of.....awesomeness.
Yikes. Maybe he is secretly a Vampire. But Vampires aren't supposed to be able to go in water.
Errr, isn't 12,000 calories? My PE teacher told us about him today.
Hehe, his feet are like flippers or something, 'cause they, er, bend or whatever, more than a normal human.
Oh man! Yeah, you are definitely right. xD Everyone makes mistakes. I'll go change it. P.S.- I won't be able to moderate comments while I'm away. :( But feel free to leave comments and I'll get them when I get back. Gotta go catch a flight! See ya!
He is really HOTT!
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